Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dec 12

Every year the kids and I make a gingerbread house. This year when I told the kids that we were going to make it, Avion didn’t want to. I was very sad but at least Sassi and Zidan were excited. We got the house up with very little problems. After the house was set I called Sassi and Zidan to help put the candy on. That this point Avion decided that he wanted to help. I was happy. After the house was decorated, I wanted to take a picture of it with the kids. As soon as I got the camera out, Avion runs out of the kitchen yelling no picture. For over a year now Avion has not wanted to get his picture taken. Reason behind it is because the flash hurts his eyes. So I take a picture of Sassi and Zidan and the house. But it was just not the same without Avion. So I decided that I’m going to try to get a picture of him close to the house with the other two. I call Avion back in the kitchen and as I’m getting ready Avion realized what I was about to do and he bolts again. I call him back for one more try. This time I talk with him and asked if he would stand near the house with his eyes closed. Avion agrees. So I’m able to get my picture of the house with all three kids with their eyes all closed. And the end we have a house to eat and we are thankful for eye lids that protect our eyes from the bright flashes from the camera.

The boys got into a fight today. Those two fighting can sometime be quite comical. It starts off with Zidan walking to close to Avion or whatever Avion is playing with and accidental touch Avion or the toy. Avion goes from happily playing to jumping up and down and yelling/crying that Zidan is a bad boy and needs a time out in a blink of an eye. I will go over to Avion calm him down and asked him what happened. Zidan at this point will usually turn to Avion with a mad/grumpy look on his face and say in a grumpy voice that he is sorry and will continue say “I sorry” for the next 2 or 3 minutes. Once both boys have calmed down they go back to what they were doing before the accidental and act like nothing happened.

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