Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan 3

School starts tomorrow and the kids are not going to bed. Sassi is not being too bad. You can at least talk to her on why she needs her sleep. But the boys are a different story. First off both of them have a hard to getting the brains to turn off. Second thing is that Zidan always poops at night so he has to do that in his pull up even before he will lie down on his bed. Well earlier in the day Avion had made some sort of Lego thing and he wanted it on the floor next to the bunk bed he shares with Zidan. The first thing that happened tonight was that Zidan was making too much noise and was not going to bed. So up stairs I go to ask Zidan if he is poopy and then I tell him to be quite your brother is trying to sleep. About five minutes later, Avion comes running down the stairs crying his eyes out because Zidan broke his Lego thing he had built. And Avion is telling us to put Zidan in time out because he was bad. David goes and comforts Avion while I go up stairs to Zidan. I first ask Zidan if he is poopy. He tells me nope. Then I tell him I’m taking away all the Legos because you are playing with them and you broke Avion’s creation. Now Zidan starts crying and he throws himself on his bed. I tell him to be quite and go to sleep. I go back down stairs and David has Avion and got Avion to stop crying. We tell Avion to go back to bed and to go to sleep. About two minutes later Zidan comes down stairs and yells in a loud voice that he is poopy. I tell Zidan to lie down so I can change him. The whole time while changing him, I’m telling him how much better it would be to just poop in the toilet. During this time Avion who is in his bed starts crying again. David goes up stairs to see why, because I’m busy with Zidan. Once Zidan has a new pull up on, we go up stairs together. I tuck Zidan in his bed again. David is still talking with Avion and it is not going well. So I step in and tell Avion that if he gets out of his bed again he will not be playing Boom Blox tomorrow. And there are only three reasons to be out of bed, one is for the bathroom, two is for water, and three is if someone throws up. Zidan is starting to fall asleep so I know he won’t be getting out of bed anymore. David and I are back down stairs and in about five minutes we both hear Avion crying again. David goes up stairs to see why Avion is crying. After a minute or two of being up there, he yells down the stair for me to bring a bowl. I go into the kitchen and get Avions favorite puking bowl. As I’m walking up the stairs I ask if the bowl is for Avion or Hopkins. Hopkins is Avion’s stuffed frog. Once I give the bowl to David, I go back down stairs. David comes down stairs a few minutes later. I asked him what the crying was about and he told me that Avion thought that his nose was bleeding and that he was going to have to go to the doctor. David had to take Avion in to the bathroom to show him that his nose was not bleeding and that all he had to do was to blow it on some tissue. Then Avion told him that he needed a silver bowl. As soon as he got it, he stuck the bowl on top of Hopkins head and went right to sleep.

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